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Welcome to No Pain Exercise!

Are you tired of scantily clad navel exposing fitness queens or muscle bound gladiators telling you that you are not doing enough to look as good as they do? Do they really look that good? Well sometimes. Have you been unsuccessful with any or all of the regimens these people advocate? Would you like to feel and look good without starving yourself, drinking unpalatable juices, exercising at extreme intensities that feel unsafe or unrealistic, or ending up in an emergency room?

If the answer to any one of these questions is yes then you have come to the right place.’s mission is to help you address your fitness needs, vent your frustrations, and steer you in the best direction for your orthopedic, fitness, and nutritional needs. If you have any history of injury or are currently dealing with an injury but are eager to get back in shape you need to first address the injury, look at your body as a whole (your alignment, posture, range of motion, strength, flexibility, balance, agility and endurance), identify and address any limitations and apply this new found knowledge to the type of exercise you love. If you are healthy and have never been injured you would benefit greatly from doing the same as the injured folks, mentioned above, to reduce the chance that you might soon join them.

Any advice given will be based on the knowledge of professionals with years of education, licensing, credentialing and experience. This includes Physical therapists, Athletic Trainers, Registered Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists and Doctors.

But please understand this is not a replacement for seeking medical attention. You may want to seek medical attention if you are having high levels of pain, and or difficulty walking and functioning.

There will also be interesting links about exercise that will be thought provoking. Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Topics:

  • The big myths of fitness

  • You can get in shape in an absurdly short amount of time

  • Without pain (no pain, no gain) you’re not doing enough

  • What is ideal alignment and posture? And why does this matter in exercise?

  • What is your best body, not some photo shopped version of perfection

  • How to determine the appropriate resistance to challenge you but not land you in the ER

  • When to return to fitness following an injury

  • How to determine what types of exercise are appropriate for your needs

  • How to prevent injury in different populations

  • When to stretch and mobilize tight muscles and why this practice helps to prevent injuries

  • The jury on core training

  • What to do if you become injured

  • How to find the best practitioner

Many blogs will also be responses to recently written articles on subjects mentioned above. Of course if you have subjects about safe exercise that you would like to be addressed, please post your suggestions.

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